Merry Christmas!!

Abracadabra Hawaii donated the funniest, the most amazing show, which brought all of us the big laughter.. I enjoyed the my first time, the few minute magician’s assistant experience very much!! I do not know how he did his magic, but it was soooo amazing…We could not believe that the real magician was doing the show in front of us. I am sorry that I did not get take all show…there were a lot more and missed to take the funny parts as well.

Watch “Mark Magician Show for unprivileged children” on YouTube.

He can be reached at (Prices are discussed on the event bases):
Abracadabra Hawaii
P.O. Box 186
Waianae, HI 96792
(808) 398-6242

Mr. Greg Hirashiki, the owner of Balloon Monsoon, promised to donate the 30 minute Balloon Twisting from 11:30 to 12:00. But he end-up donating HOURS, because we did not start on time and there were more children than we expected. Everyone was so amazed that he can make anything!! from Animals, Japanese swords, to music instrument!! Everyone could not believe how patient he was and donating extra hours for these children.

Watch “Balloon Twisting for unprivileged children” on YouTube.

He can be reached at (Pricing list is on their website):
Balloon Monsoon

The dancing with Stars by Dave(Music DJ), was also such a big hit.
Stars were consisted from Olivia (Lanette imaginal actress), Surfer (Aaron), Mario Green (Elder Schwediman), Mario Red (Elder Kirkham), and Clown (Ta). Each Star picks each partner from children, makes their instant dance, and competes each other.
Green Mario (partner with Lala) was the real swing dancer!! Got the highest technical points. Red Mario (partner with Riane) was amazing hip hop dancer. Aaron with wig (partner with Ketrose) was throwing his partner to sky. Everyone laughed and enjoyed it sooooooooooooo much!! I knew Lanett (partner with Lex) would go soo funny and I, Clown (partner with Rostalyn) would go crazy with Dave’s music. Unfortunately, all the funny and cute parts were not taped. I wish I had the first Actress Olivia’s dancing with first partner…She was soooo funny. Aaron throwing a girl to the sky was a dynamite. But, I missed all the good shot!! Looking forward to tape those scenes right next year….

Watch “Dancing with Stars for unprivileged children” on YouTube.

The Real Meaning of Christmas by Mr. Greg Cooper. Sooooooo good for teaching “Giving” just like Jesus. It was so touching. He has been the best site manager, by always offering suggestion so that Christmas party was going to be the best for everyone. His video taking skill was amazing as well.

Watch “The real meaning of Christmas for unprivileged children” on YouTube.

The Christmas gift given by Santa (John, my husband, showed up later on that day, because he had to work) was done so well with advice of Santa’s helper, Greg. Santa gave small gifts to all the children!! Asking their dream, what they want to be. Some of them said, Magician, Dog doctor, Dancer, Army, Air force, etc…I could not hear much….

Those stockings candies, Toys, etc were given to their parents so that they get to leave the gifts by their Childrens’ pillow in early morning on the 25th, the Christmas.
Watch “Santa Gift Giving/What is your dream? for unprivileged children” on YouTube.

Logistic team consist from Katherine (team leader), Chris, Dawn, Therron, and Dave, gave the transportation for all family from Waipahu shelter. They been a big helper for us.
Watch “Pickup and drop off for unprivileged families” on YouTube.

These unprivileged children were so happy to receive the second hand swimming suits I got from “Good Will”. I was so worried, because it is second hand. But they were soooooooooooooo happy!! Saying “Mine, Mine, Mine” and never let it go out of their hand, when their mama try to find out their size. It fit so well, and they looked so good at the Pool. Lanette and Aaron donated their nice looking swimming suits they had, to these children, these children went crazy…immediately changed their swimming suits to these nice looking ones!! They were sooooooooo happy with the gifts and LOVED swimming in the pool, they swam all day long!!
Watch “Sugar High children shows cohesiveness as an union” on YouTube.

Thank you so much for your kind contribution!! (I started buy the next year gift containers.
Bill, Mary Corbett, San Diego Softball Academy. Yoshihiro Hashimoto, Merrill Lynch Japan. Elder Schwediman, GLS. Elder Kirkham, GLS. Kathrin and Cris Beversdorf. Greg and Dione Cooper, Amway, GLS.
Natsuki Takano, Real Estate Broker. Miriam Deasy, Miriam Deasy Music (Music from Jesus), New Hope.Guy, Cindy, and Grant Fujimori, LifeVantage. Eddie and Adora Racaza, 3M. Tom Presler, Prudential Locations. Kei Miyashita, Horizon Assets. Jim Lennon, TTEE. Dave and Courtney Morris. Jodi Rogers.David Thurman. Dawn and Therron Bundik. Aaron and Lanette Acosta.Greg Hirashiki, Balloon Monsoon. Mark Kroll, Abracadabra Hawaii.
Appreciations to: Ms. Leilani Rodby Collins, Queen Lili’uokalani Children’s Center.

Watch “Eating and Relaxing” on YouTube.

Watch “Left Over” on YouTube.

Many unprivileged families were saying that this was the best Christmas they ever had I certainly think that this was the best Christmas I have ever had. Not only their smile, but also all my neighbors’ and entertainers’ kindness made me so warm and happy, and brought me tears with appreciation. And I appreciate your psychic ability to understand my English like guessing what I am trying to say with my poor English.
