3月, 2010 のアーカイブ

昨日。 Yesterday

What a miracle!!Thank you so much for your kind prayer! I just got back from hospital. Mama was so happy to see me and able to talk a little bit!! Amazing, huh?? All my friends are praying for her. She could not even speak on the day it happened. When I heard the news, I tried so hard not to cry and visualized some pictures of her speaking and walking. And I kept thinking positively. Here goes miracle happened. Instead of worrying crazy and cry, I focused on her healthy living. But the most powerful ones are your prayer!! I think your prayer healed my mama. Her bleeding stopped.

I told mama, "All my friends, mentor, teachers are praying for you so that you get to speak and walk so quickly. That is why you were ok!!" and she said,"I will be able to ran so quickly"". Her aim was much higher than mine. 

Again, thank you so much for everything.




お祈りのお願い。Please do me a big favor

My mama got a brain aneurism. Please pray for my mama so that she gets better ASAP. We are leaving for Japan today.