6月, 2009 のアーカイブ

Thanks to God for crash of EUR

I must have done something good. This EUR crash helps our European trip (Mama and I)! Thank you! Thank you! 6/27 to 7/9 (Wien, Rome, Florence, and Paris).

Japan Trip

6/15 Romeoさんのお陰で、MAC Flightでらくらく横になりながら横田直行便で、日本到着!ダニエルさん親子、トニーさんなど沢山助けてもらいました。本日は、兄の家で、兄の手料理をご馳走になりました。ワイン、お酒、しょうが、高いしょうゆ、での味付けの豚肉、残りの肉汁で炒めたホウレン草、そして、にんじんたまねぎのコンソメスープ!!すっごく美味しくてびっくりしました。写真は、ハワイに帰った時にアップします。

6/15 My Mama canceled our European trip, because she wants to help my brother. He got a divorced and my Mama is taking care of his son. But she has been having a bad asthma and osteoporosis, since she moved to my brother’s place to take care of 10 year old boy. She needs excitement to cure her illness. Although she enjoys it, she admit her health can not catch up with this situation.
6/16 Wake up 2:30 for morning meeting called Asaokikai (I go to this Petit "Shyugou(http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yomiuri.co.jp%2Ffeature%2Fnavi%2Ffe_na_06031801.htm&sl=ja&tl=en&history_state0=)" – a learning opportunity for ethics and implementation). My mom goes to this meeting every morning to pray for my trouble maker brother’s happiness. She cleans dirty bathrooms outside of temple. Going to this meeting make my mom the happiest lady. So, this is one of my "Oyakoukou (http://maki.typepad.com/justhungry/2008/03/oya-koukou-maki.html)".  I will learn and grow through these meetings as well. 
I talked to my husband, John, on the phone. He told me to tell my Mama, please go to European trip for John, if she did not want to go to the trip. This is our dream. He encouraged me to ask my Mama again.  I appreciated my husband encouragement with tears…I gave my Mama relaxation facial with Hawaiian music, and asked her again " Do you wanna go to European trip?"  I also added, "Sometimes, doing a favor for others does not bring any solution. Just like giving money to a person with spending and borrowing habit issue. By doing them favor, it will make the situation worse. This 10days trip may bring some solution for them". She nodded as Yes. After I got my ticket for my mom. She was smiling and singing. I realized that she really wanted to go. But she could not say Yes, because she had to take care of my brother’s son. 
Now, I am soooo excited to do some Oyakoukou!!  
6/17 I had a lunch with my ex-sister in law, Jaysie at Gonpachi. She looked super beautiful as usual. She is a Malaysian Chinese lady. Now she is working at the coffee shop to support her living. I felt really bad. I gave her a super small appreciation with all my hart.  I am looking for a high society gentleman (net worth minimum – several 10 million $), who can make her happy.  She is the most beautiful Asian lady who cooks super delicious foods.  I know she can achieve it, although she is not  interested in getting married, due to her son.  Then, I left for the Dental Exam, Dr. Check Up, and the Cleaning at Yokosuka Base. My sister (with mental issue) picked me up at the gate, and went commissary for shopping, and bought groceries for her family and my brother’s family. I love my sister soo much and appreciate everything she has done to me when I was younger, even though she says strange things sometimes now days. She asked me to take Udon noodles to Jaysie. I have super heavy bags after shopping and the noodles. 
It was raining heavily, when I got to Azamino. Thank to God! My brother was home to pick me up with his car (new BMW?). I went to get to some foods to make my mom’s bone stronger such as extra calcium milk, dried fish, etc.
I went to see M-Sensei who works at DB’s investment banking dept. I did not get to see other people to drop my gifts off,because I left my place too late. M-sensei Mama made my favorite food feast for me. M-sensei remembered what I love. I really appreciate I have the best, top of the line, family, friends, and mentors. I got massive gifts from them. I was so embarrassed with my tiny gifts I brought for them. They asked me to stay at their house and I wanted to be with them longer, so I stayed there for the night.
6/18 Mama’s birthday. I wanted to do something special. I wanted to take her to Susukino mura hot spring and eat a good dinner(http://www.yukemurinosato.com/event).  But she was waiting for a package  for her business. She is still a jeweler. Mama, today is your birthday. What would you like to do? She said, no one did special for her birthday usually other than receiving a gift from Hawaii(Me). So, I have decided to go out for dinner for her birthday. My brother said, he can not come home, when she called him at work, she looked so disappointed,,, and his son did not want to go. So, I ordered (catered) Sushi. My Mama looked so happy.  Although My Mama was doing so many things for this family, my brother did not even say "Happy Birthday??". I thought my brother does not know today is her birthday. So, I immediately e-mail him after I saw Mama’s sad face, "Today is Mama’s birthday. Just saying Happy Birthday does not hurt you." He immediately e-mailed me back saying "TNX" and came home with a dozen of flowers.  Mama looked so happy and appreciated him with tears.
6/19 Thanks to Suzuki san! We got 42000yen return tickets to Wien! I went to pay for the airline ticket for Europe today. I got the Cash card problem, because I kept using wrong password. Thanks to Ohashi san at Tama Plaza branch. I got it solved, even though I did not have the Hanko and book for the account. 
I went to get groceries to strengthen Mama’s bone. I cooked Samma, Oyakodon, Chives, Friend Chicken, etc, etc. I am cooking Friend shrimp, Korokke, and salmon tomorrow.
6/20 Hotel Reservation and Planning. Oh! No!! I just tried to upgrade the seats to business with Northwest mileage. Although NW is alliance with China Airline, NW mileage is only for the free airline ticket, but not for upgrade. I asked if I can purchase the upgrade. The answer was no….












Bear Market Rally?

Airtime: Fri. Jun. 5 2009 | 月5日 2 00 ET

Discussing whether the market will continue to rally and if there is a currency crisis ahead 
with Jim Rogers, Rogers Holding chairman. 相変わらず、腰が低いMr. Jim Rogers







SLF 34.90だった。


あるCurrency StrategistがEURがQuantitative Easingをするので、Shortするようにと言われていました。あとCommoditiy関連通貨のAZ$もShortとの事でした。←私の思った事:慣性の法則で踏みあげもありえるので、チャートが壊れてからで良いのは?とも思えるのでした。個人的には、6月末にパリに居るときだけEURが安いと嬉しいですが。。。


I am happy for my Chindia stocks are going up. But!! BRICs stocks up = oil price up = stronger EUR. Higher stock price=Weaker$$. I hope the Yen and $ gets stronger, when Mama and I arrive in Paris by the end of June. I have better to think positively like "Weaker $ Now"= "Stronger $ Later". The dow is at the 200day MA and last 3 monthly candles were positive (Textbook Traders are supposed to sell after 3months positive candles). But it seems like a strong break up…Wow, an Analyst of Morgan Stanley said on CNBC, " The U.S. $ was oversold against EUR and BPD, so buy $ now, EUR and BPD will get weaker for the next 2 months".